4 Ways to Stay Sick-Free at Work
We all do it while working at our desk: cringe when we hear a co-worker cough or sneeze. Why? Because you know that within the tight confines of an office, illness can spread easily. And even though the days may be getting longer and the snow is beginning to melt,...
Don’t Underestimate The Power of Tea in The Workplace
Coffee seems to be the most popular pick-me-up, right? Employees commiserate about how much they need another coffee or coffee beverage during the afternoon slump. And everyone knows none of us can function in the morning without it. But did you know that tea is...
How to Help Hungry Employees Snack Healthy After the New Year
Happy New Year! It’s that time of year when the majority of your employees, and maybe even yourself, make the annual vow to go on a diet and exercise regularly. Great! Who doesn’t want to be healthier? That means cutting out the snacks at work, right? Not necessarily....